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Is a GPS Really Helpful?

How many times have you tried using a GPS to get to where you need to go, and then you come to the realization that the GPS actually took you the long way around? You're driving and wondering where the city is and why you are weaving in and out of scary downtown roads in order to reach your destination? What does the "Getto" have to do with big tall city buildings? And I thought the city built a little thing call the "interstate" as a way of getting to your destination quicker. Of course, you don't know the area so the best option is to listen to your stupid GPS until you can get a better feel for the layout of the roads. You might as well have been your own GPS. Let's be real here. You probably would have gotten myself lost driving without the use of a GPS. So, why am I writing about the craziness malfunctions of a GPS? Because life can be the same way.

Life is full of twists, turns, and unplanned curve balls that you wind up taking twice as long to reach your end goals. And other times you never see the end goal because your final destination changes. Those changes aren't always easy either, especially if you aren't the type of person who has no problem rolling with change. I am definitely not that person and I can tell you that i've suffered major GPS chaos. I think I'm on the most affective path and then I end up running into construction. If I want to survive mentally, emotionally, and spiritually I need to keep my mindset in a positive optimistic place.

If you are finding yourself stuck on the wrong end of town remember to focus on the journey. Often times I hear the famous phrase, "it's not about the destination, but the journey." This is old phrase I defiantly find true. The emotions might be high, but they will make you into a wiser, stronger, better version of yourself. Hang in there, I know it gets tough. Too many times I've found myself flooding with emotion and questions. I can never quite understand why things are falling into place the way they are and i have to be okay with that. Mystery isn't always bad. Those GPS's can be the most frustrating thing every, just remember to stay strong and open minded to the possibilities.

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